How to add subtitles or captions to Zoom meeting recordings

Tanoy Chowdhury

Tanoy Chowdhury - February 28, 2023

Everyone should record Zoom meetings and add subtitles to them. Because it’s tough to remember every single detail that has been shared in back-to-back Zoom meetings.

With subtitles, you can watch the recordings later and know exactly who is saying what. Especially if the Zoom meetings consist of a high number of attendees from different countries.

Your best bet is to use an auto-caption generator tool to create subtitles for your video. Because it’s easy and requires no effort from your end.

In this guide we will tell you how to add subtitles to Zoom recordings, and how you can record Zoom meetings without permission.

Video: How to record Zoom meeting with subtitle (without host permission)

Add subtitles to your Zoom recordings using an auto-caption generator

If you already know how to record Zoom meetings, then you can start from this part of the blog. If you need help recording Zoom meetings even when you’re not the host, then we recommend starting from the next part. Then coming back here.

1) Download your Zoom meeting recording as an account owner or admin

If you’re an account owner, it’s simple to download your meetings. You can do that within Zoom; no dependence is required on any external tools. Follow these steps -

Zoom meeting recording

- Sign in to your Zoom web portal

- Click on Recordings on the left-hand side navigational bar

- Tick on the checkbox 𝤿 next to the recording you want to download

- Tap on the dotted line … and click on Download

2) Create an account in Animaker to use the auto caption generator. Head over to the Sign up page to create an account for free.

Animaker to use the auto caption generator

3) After you have created the account, you will see the Animaker dashboard. Everything that you create in Animaker will be displayed here. Click on the Create button in the top-left corner of the screen, then navigate to the Create Subtitle section. Upload your meeting recording from here.

Create Subtitle section

4) After you’ve uploaded the video, it’s time to generate the subtitles using AI. Click on Subtitles in the top-left corner. Select Auto Subtitle from the dropdown menu. After you click on this, it will automatically recognize the language and create a subtitle for the meeting.

create a subtitle for the meeting

5) You can also customize the subtitle by changing the character size, color and alignment. You can change its placement to check what will work the best.

customize the subtitle

6) The last step is downloading the video with the subtitles generated by the auto-caption generator tool. Tap on the Download button in the top right corner of the screen.

auto-caption generator tool

You can also download the subtitle file in .srt, .ass, or .vtt format. If you want the subtitles file in some other language, then you can change it by clicking on Add new language. There are 100+ languages available. You can download the subtitles in this new language.

subtitles in this new language

How to record Zoom meetings and download them if you’re not the administrator

If you’re not the administrator in a Zoom meeting account, then you cannot record meetings in Zoom. Therefore, downloading them is out of the question.

But, you can still do it by using a screen recorder like Vmaker. It’s easy to set up, use, and it works on both Windows and Mac PCs. Moreover, you don’t have to take permission from the host for recording.

Watch this video to find out how Vmaker records Zoom meetings.

After you record and download the video, follow the above steps to generate subtitles for the meeting.

Use auto-caption for your next Zoom meeting

Loved what you just read? Isn’t it amazing how an auto-caption generator can make your job so easy to generate subtitles for Zoom meetings?

We encourage you to start using this tool right away - before it’s time to get on the next Zoom call. All you have to do is use a screen recorder (if you’re not the host) to record the meeting, and then upload it on the subtitle generator. This is - hands down - one of the best applications of AI in daily work.

Recommended Readings:

How to Record a Video on Zoom and Share it

10 Best Zoom Meeting Recorders (2023)

How To Record a Zoom Meeting as a Participant?

Record on Zoom for Free - A step-by-step guide (with video)