53 Remote Work Statistics for 2024

Naveen Selvaraj

Naveen Selvaraj - March 24, 2021

We're living in times of a pandemic, and remote work is no longer a new thing. It's too early to speculate how the future of working will look like, however, we can be certain that it will be a lot different from the pre-pandemic times.

To understand how remote working has impacted the workers' lives and business, here's a collection of some shocking(and not so shocking too) work from home statistics.

Remote Work Statistics: What Employees Think About it

  1. 77 percent of the workforce wants to continue working from home, at least once a week even after the pandemic is over
  2. 55% of the employees feel that they are expected to be online to show that they are working
  3. 43% of people find it difficult to participate in meetings while working remotely
  4. 36% of retirees say they would have continued working if they'd been allowed to work from home or part-time
  5. 75% of remote employees say working offsite has improved their work-life balance
  6. 71% of remote workers say they're happy in their current jobs versus 55% of on-site employees who agreed

Remote Work Statistics: Impact Communication and Collaboration

  1. 55% of respondents agree or strongly agree in feeling that they’re expected to be online to prove they’re working to their manager
  2. 43% have a harder time participating in meetings when everyone is remote
  3. For remote workers to be more productive, 40% reported needing more technology and tools, and 40% said support from managers and teams
  4. 94% of businesses in a recent survey said agility and collaboration are central to their growth, but only 14% say their collaboration processes are working well
  5. Video calls while working remotely increased by 16%
  6. 55% of employees believe that with the collaboration apps and tech they have in place, they are able to be successful working fully remote indefinitely
  7. Email continues to dominate — it was ranked as the primary mode of workplace communication among 92% of respondents
  8. 72% of companies rolled out at least one new collaboration app to support remote employees this year
  9. 33% of employees ages 65+ believe collaboration has become much less efficient since the shift to working from home
  10. 14% of all respondents and 22% of those age 65 and older admitted to taking work calls from unconventional locations including a bathroom, on a boat, in a store, and from a child’s sporting event. 

Remote Work Statistics: Effects on Employee Productivity

  1. 95% of people say that their productivity has been higher or the same working from home
  2. 51% of people agree that they are more productive working from home
  3. 40% of people say they need more tools and resources to stay more productive while working remotely
  4. 70 percent of people report that the reduction of non-essential meetings has helped them improve their productivity
  5. 44% of people reported that working remotely they’ve had fewer distractions compared to the office
  6. Women living with family members are five times more likely than men to experience an increase in the burden of domestic chores while working from home
  7. 34% of employees say that they’re more productive now than they were before the pandemic
  8. Employees who work remotely at least one day a month are 24 percent more likely to be productive and happy
  9. 44% of remote workers reported a lack of the right infrastructure, platforms, and data that they need to be fully productive at work
  10. Almost 49% of employees are not aware of the expectations from them in regards to availability, work productivity standards, and working hours

Remote Work Statistics: What the Decision-Makers Have to say?

  1. Managers believe that 26.7% of the workforce will be fully remote through 2021 (UpWork)
  2. The number of remote workers in the next five years is expected to be nearly double what it was before COVID-19 (UpWork)
  3. 52% of employers believe that employee productivity has increased since implementing work from home (PWC.com)
  4. Companies that support a work-at-home policy could see a 10% increase in employee retention (Gartner)
  5. 47% of company leaders will allow employees to work from home full time after the pandemic (Gartner)
  6. 61% of business leaders have implemented more frequent manager-employee check-ins (Gartner)
  7. 29% of business leaders have not taken any measures to track productivity remotely
  8. 87% of remote managers believe that remote work really is the future
  9. 13% of business leaders voiced concerns over sustaining productivity(Gartner)
  10. 29% of employers report not taking any measures to track productivity remotely
  11. Remote workers engage in deeper, focused work with fewer interruptions, averaging 22.75 hours of focused time per week compared to 18.6 hours for in-office employees, and experiencing 18% fewer interruptions, which translates to 61.88 hours of additional productive time annually, according to Hubstaff data.

Remote Work Statistics: What's the Change in Hiring and Talent Acquisition

  1. 65% of respondents reported wanting to be full-time remote employees post-pandemic (flex jobs)
  2. 27% of workers say that the ability to work from home is so important to them that they are willing to take a 10% to 20% pay cut to work remotely
  3. 31% of people want a hybrid remote work environment
  4. 81% of respondents in one study said they would be more loyal to their employer if they had flexible work options
  5. Remote employees are more likely to report being satisfied with their jobs than office-based workers (57% vs. 50%)
  6. Remote workers are 13% more likely to stay in their jobs than onsite workers
  7. 54% said they were apprehensive of asking for additional time off for fear of falling behind

Remote working Tools

Remote Work Statistics: Consequences on the mental health of the employees

  1. 80% of workers would consider quitting their current position for a job that focused more on employees’ mental health
  2. 4 out of 5 workers find it hard to “shut off” in the evenings
  3. 97% say that taking vacations while working from home are important for “recharging” - another way of saying “mental health”
  4. 45% say they feel less healthy mentally while working from home
  5. 25% agree, and 14% strongly agree that since COVID-19, their mental health has negatively affected work performance
  6. 6 in 10 of 2,000 Americans said they were "Zoomed out"  and were spending an additional two hours and four minutes per day looking at a screen
  7. 68% of workers said Zoom fatigue has added to their current stressors
  8. A recent Gallup poll reported that mental health and emotional well-being have taken a nosedive, dropping to their lowest since 2001
  9. Weight gain has created mental stress and fatigue with 52% feeling down about the way they look
  10. Employees without access to flexible work are nearly two times more likely to have poor or very poor mental health

Bonus guide: 71 Surprising Video Marketing Statistics for 2024

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